Sunday, July 03, 2005

A Stab in the Dark

Quite frankly, I have no idea how this blog thing is going to work out, if at all. I don't have any idea what all those computer terms like HTML or URL mean (please bear with me as I continue to improve my electronika-savvyness), I do not have an Instant Messenger account, nor have I ever been too enamoured with cyberculture in general. In addition I have serious doubts as to whether my fickle self can be disciplined enough to update this site on a regualar basis, let alone promise a post that is edifing and of interest. The last thing i want this blog to become is another drop (or gallon) in the pool of ignorance. My challenge to you is to never blindly believe or absorb what is posted here just because it is on the internet. I make no claim be the source of absolute truth. This blog, as with all things in life, must be filtered through a higher standard than our own mere opinions and limited perspectives. I attempt in everything I do to check my thoughts and beliefs against the Word of God and I encourage you to as well, although I openly admit I am capable of misinterpreting and therefore misappyling the truth of the Word. I eagerly welcome your criticisms as well as your affirmations.

My goal in creating this blog is both to provide exposure and dialogue to a very dynamic and needed ministry as well as to share the lessons and adventures that the Lord brings my way. I don't know if it is such a good idea, but I will attempt to be open and honest in my writing. At times it will be offensive, confusing, vulgar, and desparate because let's be honest so is life (and coincidentaly the Bible). Yet just as I will share my tears with you, I promise to strive to share my joy with you as Christ shows His burning glory in my world. I pray above all that this blog points always to Christ and not to myself.

Easier said than done.

By His grace, for His glory,

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