Sunday, August 21, 2005

I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God...(Lk 15:10)

I don't know why I haven't posted this news earlier. It's true that I have been extremely busy this week and havent had much time, yet this is a poor excuse in comparision to the weight of this news. In reality I think I haven't spoke of this yet because I was trying to come up with words that were worthy enough to express the joy of this moment. I haven't found them yet. But I'm tired of searching so here goes.

Last tuesday night at youth group, I was reviewing God's plan for the growth of the church from Eph 4:11-16. I started out by saying that before we can grow in God we have to know Him and be known by Him. Not expecting anyone to respond, I quickly asked if anyone had doubts about if they knew God personally. Immediately Jesse, one of the livelier students in the youth group, shot up his hand. Honestly, I was quite surprised that anyone responded to this invitation and I didnt really have a plan in place in case someone did. So...I stopped my lesson and as a youth group we walked through the plan of salvation with Jesse. I explained that we are all sinners who have no hope of being with Christ on our own, but have earned only eternal death (Rom 3:23; 6:23). But God in His love has paid the punishment of our sins on the cross and conquered sin through His ressurection (Rom 5:8). And through recognizing Christ as our Deliverer and Sovereign, through His grace we will be given new life that is eternal (Rom 10:9).

I then asked Jesse again if he would like to do this.

He said yes.

He prayed with Pastor Carlos and recieved Christ into his life.

This is why I am a youth pastor in inner city Los Angeles.
This is why I exist.
For those of you who know the Father, this is why you exist.
To share the powerful message of Christ' Good News that ripped us out of the talons of Satan and carried us into the presence of the eternal, frighteningly beautiful and holy God.
The God who not only gave us eternal life and hope for the future, but overbounding joy in the present.

Join with me and the angels in rejoicing over the new life that was born in Jesse last tuesday!

for His glory, by His grace,

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