Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Conferences, homework, youth group, and journal

Sorry for the infrequent posts. Last week I was in Louisville, KY for the Together For the Gospel conference. Good stuff! For a rundown of the conference go here. Last night was my first youth group back. Taught on Ephesians 2:11-22 and titled my sermon "God's immigration policy" talking about what it takes to become a citizen of heaven. Perhaps I'll post more on that later. Now it's time to hit the books. a week and a half until this semester is over. In hindsight I dont think I will take 18.5 units again.

Once school gets out I will be posting more regularly and in depth. For now I leave you with a recent entry from my quasi-daily journal.

I’m doing my long since due chapter titles on the Psalms and am struck by how many are prayer for protection against the persecution of the wicked. Then I realize that there is no one who wants to kill me, I am on the run from no one, no one is angry with me. And that’s a problem because there are plenty of people angry at God. Lord help me to regain my boldness, help me to break out of this addiction of comfort and complacency. I want to be dangerous. I want your enemies. I want your protection. Help me to need it.

by His grace, for His glory



Anonymous said...

When did you go to Kentucky? Where do you get all this money to do this while being in school? blah, blah, & blah. your uncle---me

Anonymous said...

I've left 3 different comments and not one gets in. uncle beruc

Scott Z said...

great to see you at the conference. hope you can finish out the semester strong by God's grace.