Thursday, October 02, 2008

On Skid Row

I want to point your attention to a documentary series on YouTube called "On Skid Row". We are showing this 5 part documentary to our youth, challenging them to think about what it means to be believers in Christ when Skid Row is only a few blocks away. I would put the same question to all of us, no matter how close you live to Skid Row. I would encourage you to watch the first segment and then follow the links to find the remaining four. It was not done by a believer, but is the best, and most up-to-date synopsis of the most concentrated area of desperation and depravity in our nation that I have seen. Keep in mind this documentary only scratches the surface. I could tell you stories that would make you sick, and my exposure to the area has been minimal.


Linda Nelson said...

Have you seen SKID ROW featuring Pras Michel of the Fugees? Maybe you'd consider showing this at your church or community oranization. We are using it to help raise awareness and inspire action. Sam Slovic's series is awesome, too. Check out:

jrf said...

Thanks linda,

I'll check it out!