Just wanted to share something that I heard listening to Al Mohler's podcast this morning.
In response to a caller's question he stated that a good test of whether or not the American church is faithfully fulfilling it's Great Commission mandate is not so much by looking at whether there are those who are ready to go as missionaries (which there are) but whether or not our churches are eager and mobilized to send those missionaries.
What do you think? Is the American church taking their mandate seriously? Are we spending as much time, money, and effort in seeking the salvation of souls, the healing of bodies, and the glory of Christ among the nations as our unbelieving counterparts are in seeking a profit in the Global community?
Did you know that more people know the name of Coca-Cola than they do the name of Jesus? Just sayin.
1 comment:
I've seen two perspectives on this in the last year. The church I formally worked at was definitely into supporting missionaries. We had a few families who were missionaries (either permanent stateside workers or back due to illness) who regularly attended the church. During my time there, they also sent out two young couples. But the only ones that are being sent are young couples that have always considered missions the purpose of their life.
Unfortunately, the church is somewhat held hostage by decisions that former missions committees made. There are MANY older couples that are supported and are scattered everywhere. I think the philosophy was support as many as you can, just not with a lot.
Many of the missionaries have loose ties to the church, but some have very strong ties.
Then the church I attend now seems to be more committed to missions down to the families. The support that they give is much more substantial to its missionaries, especially those that the church has sent out themselves.
In the past six years, the church has sent out three families. Two of those families were not young families, but parents in their 30s-40s. It seems as if families with previous careers are much more likely to consider missions. It started as personal commitment to missions and transformed into hearing God's call for them to move their commitment to missions from financial and pray support, to actually going.
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